Work Zones
Examining the Impact of ASE in Work Zones on Driver Attention - MNDoT
ASE - Automated Speed Enforcement
In-Vehicle Work Zone Messages-Examining Signing Options for Improving Safe Driving Behaviors in Work Zones - MnDOT
Usability testing and design of a potential smartphone application to warn drivers of work zones and the features in work zones (e.g., work zone ahead)
Had a simulation driving testing component where participants drove through simulated work zones with the work zone application active
Work Zone Intrusion Report Interface Design - MnDOT
Reporting form design for work zone maintenance workers to provide information about the rate and severity of intrusions in the work zone
Utilized a web-based form and a paper form, with multiple iterations of usability testing
CPS: Small: Worker-in-the-loop real time safety system for short-duration highway work zones - NSF
The development of a wearable technology to alert work zone workers of imminent intrusions using AI.
Work Zone Intrusion App Development - MnDOT
Development of a reporting form on a smartphone to improve near-miss data collection of intrusions in Minnesota work zones
User-centered Smart Traffic Sign Development Study - MnDOT
Driving scenario simulated using lab driving sim
Iterative design process jointly with other lab